The Gospel message for the first Sunday came from I Kings 20:22-28 with the subject of “He’s God Even In the Valley”
God is bigger than your lowest valley. It is much easier to serve the Lord when we are on the mountain top. It is much easier when we are excited about the Lord and his work. However all of us have had and are currently dealing with some valley experiences of life.. When we enter the valley of physical pain, HE IS STILL GOD!. When we enter the valley of spiritual discouragement, HE IS STILL GOD!. Even when we enter the valley of sorrow, HE IS STILL GOD!. Regardless of the valley we are forced to enter we will find out that HE IS STILL GOD. This is true in every stage of our life. II Corinthians 4:17 states it clearly That our light affliction which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; and others let us know that our God is determined to prove that HE IS GOD in every circumstance we face. There is Biblical Support that he is GOD even in the Valley
In the Valley of Elah – I Samuel 17- There was a young shepherd boy by the name of David who came up against a great Philistine giant by the name of Goliath. In the Valley of Elah “Giants” can be defeated.
In the Valley of the Shadow of Death- Psalms 23:4 In the most read of biblical passages we find the same David now having a death warrant on his head from the now envious and jealous King Saul who David had served faithfully. Now King Saul wants David killed but in the Valley of the Shadow of Death David recognizes that GOD art with me and thy rod and staff comfort me.
In the Valley Of Baca- Psalms 84: 5-6 Also known as the Valley of Tears or Weeping. We all have spent some time in this valley where we have lost loved ones, dealing with medical issues or financial burdens have reduced us to tears. GOD is still there in this valley. As the psalmist writes that there is a well of refreshment in this valley.
Finally the Valley of Berachah 2 Chronicles 20:26- In this valley all you can do is just bless and praise the LORD for all that he is done. This incident started with prayer and ended with praise. We can see this picture of the valley of Berachah, the intervention of the God of the valley, Jehoshaphat the king of Israel, no doubt having a picture of One greater than he, in the temple leading the praise, the song going up to the God who has blessed His people in valley conditions. If we just persevere and let go and let GOD we can all have a Valley of Berachah experience.

February 9th:
All members are asked to bring a dish to be served after 11:00am service to celebrate Black History Day. There will be a 3:00pm service following the meal in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Sister Michelle Davis for details. Members also are encouraged to wear African American attire in February.
February 16th:
Services at 8am, 11am, 3pm - Rev. Dr Gentre Adkins, pastor of the Faithful St. Mark Baptist Church will bring the message at 8:00am, Holy Light Associate minister Rev. Cornelius Crandall will bring the message at 11am and Rev. Joe Haywood Jr., Executive Pastor of the New Visions Christian Fellowship will speak at 3pm.
February 18th:
All members (both men and women) interested in being a part of the Holy Light Praise and Worship Team are encouraged to take part in the initial planning meeting and rehearsal on Tuesday February 18th at 8pm (immediately following bible class) Rehearsal time is 45-60 minutes.
February 23rd:
Pastor Appreciation Services for Pastor Walter Riley at Greater New Morning Star Baptist Church at 3:00pm. Pastor Riley is retiring so let’s have as many as possible come out and support him at his final appreciation service.
Anyone interested in being part of the Holy Light Church Basketball team please see Brother Darius Crockett for information and additional information on practice time.
The games will begin the first Saturday in March 1, 2014 . There is no age limitation but proceed at your own risk!!
We are asking all members to contribute a donation of at least $10.00 that will go toward the purchase of a television for the Inez Berry Fellowship Hall.
The TV will allow us to have church fellowships (bring back Fellowship Fridays!!) in the fellowship hall, be able to show Christian videos and have Christian DVD’s played as part of future training and seminars we may have.
It also will allow us to eventually have the sanctuary services shown in the fellowship hall and be an asset with our children’s ministry. Also be available for viewing between services for members that stay at the Church between services. We have collected almost $400.00 already and we are on our way to moving forward with this project.
March 12th-17th:
Here is the latest update for the trip to New Jersey to celebrate the anniversary of Rev. Darrell Armstrong. The current lowest RT non-stop flight is flying from LA to Philadelphia. The cost is right now $358.00. More details on the trip will be coming soon. Please see Associate Pastor Dandridge for details and provide him with who will be sharing rooms in New Jersey so that information can be given to the Shiloh administration to make the reservations. Room cost is $85.00 per room.