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From the desk of Pastor Rev. William "Bill" Dandridge

Pastor & Wife Appreciation Service

From the Desk of the Pastor


In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have a written plan for the church reopening which will lessen the likelihood of exposure during services. Currently the Los Angeles County guidelines call for only live streaming services or taping of services with a number of 10 or less in attendance. We will continue to monitor the situation and will make notification to members when re-opening can begin.

Continue to pray for our nation, state and city and for the hearts of those to change their positions of authority in law enforcement.


Pastor/Wife Appreciation Service

Sunday, October 11 (9:00am)

This Sunday is our Pastor/Wife Appreciation Service. The service will be a virtual service at 9am on facebook live. Pastor Bobby Newman Jr. of the Citizens of Zion M.B.C in Compton will bring the message. The service will be available on our website after the service


CSBC, Inc. Women's Auxiliary Virtual Serendipity Conference

HOLY LIGHT WOMEN- We are encouraging all women to take part in this Women’s Ministry conference

Date: October 24th, 2020

Time: 9:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 7708 2698

Passcode: 923939


Men's Day Service

Sunday, October 25 (9:00am)

Our Men’s day service will be the fourth Sunday in October on the 25th. This will also be a virtual service at 9am. We are asking all men to contribute $100 offering for Men’s day.


Distinguished Woman of the Year

Congratulations to the Distinguished Woman of the Year Sister Derlylia Hollis. Well deserved for her over 50 years of faithful service to the body of Christ!


Facility Improvements

We continue to make improvements to our church facilities both indoor and outdoor. This weekend installments of new windows and blinds to the church fellowship hall will take place. We encourage members to continue to be faithful in their giving !

We encourage members to continue to be faithful in their giving!


VOTE 2020

California Voter Registration Site Link Below- Please note that voting by mail will be available for each registered voter. Information on this was sent last week.


Sermon Sunday - October 4th, 2020

The Promise and the Purpose of God

Romans 8: 28-30

There Is A Confidence in his Promise - Paul's statement is a shocking statement, but it is one that is absolutely true nonetheless! Friend, this is the ironclad promise of God! His reputation rides on this verse being true, and it is! He did not say that all things are good, but that they will work for good

There Is A Completeness in his Promise - Any whatever. In fact, every thing in the life of the child of God is working for your good! Even the things you don't understand, or even like! Notice some areas where God is working out our good and His glory.

Sweet Things Work For Our Good - It is easy to see how the sweet things in life work for us.

Sorrowful Things Work For Our Good (Ill. There are several examples in the Word of God where extremely sorrowful things happened to people and it all worked for their good in the end. Ill. Jacob - Gen. 42:36; Judah - Jer. 24:5; The Psalmist - Psa. 119:71; Joseph - Gen. 50:20; Manasseh - 2 Chron. 33:11-12) Often the sickbed, the valley of suffering, or the time of sorrow can out teach the sermon!

Satanic Things Work For Our Good - . Paul endured Satanic attack and affliction. Ill. God can even use the devil to work out good things in our lives. Even Satanic attack is used by the Lord to grow us up in his image.

Sinful Things Work For Our Good - Ill. Christians ought not sin! When we do, we will suffer, Rev. 3:19, but God can take the suffering brought about by deliberate sin and use it for our good

(Ill. God uses all the circumstances of life for our good. May not see the good right now, but we can still take comfort and rejoice in the completeness of God's promise.)

There Is A Cause - These things aren't "just working out" for the believer. They are taking place because of the personal concern and work of God in the life of that believer. The cause is the awesome power of God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing and He is able to take control of every situation in life. It's easy to forget that God is in control - When we get our eyes off Him and on our circumstance, we are in for a fall - Ill. Peter - Matt. 14:28-31.

There Is A Condition - This promise is not for everyone. But, only to those who love God. If all things work together for good to the lover of God, the opposite must be true for those who do not love him!

There Is A Consequence - This is not a verse designed for your happiness! It is not to be taken lightly. This verse cannot be divorced from the verses that immediately follow it - 29-30. As we shall see, God's purpose in turning everything to good is not to bless you, make you happy, or make you wealthy. God is doing all that He does to make you more like Jesus! God didn't finish with you at salvation. He will continue to shape you until you reflect His image perfectly. The whole purpose of Romans 8:28 is to teach us that God has an eternal plan and that nothing will ever be able to change that plan! God is busy reproducing Himself in each of us.


Sunday School Puzzle & Answer

Lesson 3 Answer: God Gives Victory Over the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16)

September 27, 2020

Lesson 3: PUZZLE: God Gives Victory Over the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16)

September 20, 2020


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