From the Desk of the Pastor
In person worship Services continue to be temporarily cancelled. We have a written plan for the church reopening which will lessen the likelihood of exposure during services. The plan can be viewed at the church website. ( Since the Los Angeles county area is a peak area reopening of the church will be delayed until there are major decreases in cases of COVID 19.
Drive-Thru Communion will be served in the church parking lot on Sunday August 2nd from 10am – 12pm.
Please note that on the Holy Light MBC Facebook account there is a Live Service at 9:00am every Sunday morning. The recording of the services are here.

Holy Light Face Masks are available for $10 each. They will be available in black as well as purple. Please email the church email at if you want to order masks. Please let me know number and color. Thank You.
Holy Light has been chosen to participate in a project with the Foundation for Justice and Peace entitled “Every Good bye Ain’t Gone: Grief and Trauma in the time of COVID-19”. We thank Sis. Singleton for taking the lead in this project in representing Holy Light in the bimonthly meetings.

California Voter Registration
Census 2020 "Your Response is Crucial"
Sermon Sunday July 26th- “Stay on The Wall”

Nehemiah 6:1-6
· In the message we will look at continuing to work the Wall and to avoid
· Compromises
· Slander
· Satan’s Devices
Sunday School Puzzle Answer
Lesson 7: Israel Demands A King (1 Samuel 8:1-11, 18-20)
